1 de abril de 2013

Before & After- Especial dia das Mentiras

A propósito de hoje ser o dia das mentiras lembrei-me de fazer um B&A especial photoshop. Reparem bem nestas images manipuladas, umas mais discretas outras nem por isso, e tentem descobrir as diferenças!!

Today is tell a lie day so I remembered doing a B&E special photoshop. Take a close look in these manipulated images, some more discrete than others, and try to figure out the differences!

celebrities before and after photoshop 21 in Celebrities Before and After Photoshop

celebrities before and after photoshop 17 in Celebrities Before and After Photoshop

celebrities before and after photoshop 14 in Celebrities Before and After Photoshop

celebrities before and after photoshop 19 in Celebrities Before and After Photoshop


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