3 de junho de 2013

Quando já ninguém dorme no berço #2

Quando, e se, decidirem reaproveitar o berço que já não tem uso (lembram-se do post de à duas semanas?), fiquem a saber que também podem aproveitar os estrados para outros fins. Vejam só os exemplos que se seguem!

When, and if, you decide to upcycle your baby's crib (remember the two weeks ago post?), you can also upcycle the part where the matress sits upon! Look at this examples!
Upcycled Baby Cribs recycling ideas for recalled and old cribs woven springs wall display

Upcycled Baby Cribs

our crib will be 10 years old by the time the baby is done with it, too old to donate and it is USED...this is a FABULOUS idea how to repurpose it...as long as we don't have another one (:

Upcycled Crib Spring. Yes, it's the part that the baby mattress sits upon! Makes a great display board, doesn't it?

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